Sunday 20 September 2015

Battletech Campaign moves on

The Sommer pause is over.
First our Battletech Jihad campaign moved a Scenario on.
We fought: Scenario End of Roads.

World of Blake Units against the 13th Bavarian Walking Panzers.

The situation was grimm and every hit could chance the fate of the battle. We got 3 hotsspots on the map.
in the background our concussion kittet a Highlander and some powerarmor throught the woods. on the left side 13th Nightsky and Crusader mobbing up a WOB White Flame. The Rightside Hotspot was a Closecombat Meeele from a WOB Legacy vs two 13th mechs.

and a little Close up on the moping up of the White Flame.
In the end the 13th BWP won the fight.