Sunday 29 November 2015

News from Alternate WW2 Armoured German Heavy Infatry (NOW Painted)

This Weekend i finished the new addition Armoured 1/72 Infantry.
First a picture fresh out of the bag.
I painted them in panzergray and highlighted them with lightgrey. For the red eyes i was inspired by Jin Ro and Killzone.
First the Commander or Spoter.

Next the 8cm Mortar with operater and loader.

A additional kneeing rifleman with MP44.

Now we come to the higlight of the set: the "Fliegerfaust"

And at the end a Teamphoto.

Sunday 20 September 2015

Battletech Campaign moves on

The Sommer pause is over.
First our Battletech Jihad campaign moved a Scenario on.
We fought: Scenario End of Roads.

World of Blake Units against the 13th Bavarian Walking Panzers.

The situation was grimm and every hit could chance the fate of the battle. We got 3 hotsspots on the map.
in the background our concussion kittet a Highlander and some powerarmor throught the woods. on the left side 13th Nightsky and Crusader mobbing up a WOB White Flame. The Rightside Hotspot was a Closecombat Meeele from a WOB Legacy vs two 13th mechs.

and a little Close up on the moping up of the White Flame.
In the end the 13th BWP won the fight.

Sunday 12 April 2015

News from the WW2 Alternativ Armored German Heavy Infantry

Its a long time gone since my last post, reasons: work, motivation...
I got a look on the new heavy weapons from the Range wich get sold by Dragonscave.
We got a new Commander, kneeing STG44, a two man Mortar team and a Fliegerfaust.

The new Commander

The Kneeing STG44

 The mortar Team

 and the Last and best the Fliegerfaust

They will be sold soon at